Community-Focused Communications Strategy

December 6

Keeping more families and pets together requires a strategic approach to getting the word out about your organization’s community-focused philosophy and programs. Throughout the past year,  together with Human Animal Support Services, we have created a series of communications kits to help you talk to your constituents about the many ways that you are supporting…

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Communications Kit: Volunteer Integration

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Volunteers are engaged in every area of operations in a community-centered animal shelter—fully integrated into driving forward the mission, vision, and values of the organization. There is no limit to the roles volunteers can play, calling on their interests, skills, networks, and bandwidth. Some of these roles can even be done remotely!  This communications kit…

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Communications Kit: Supported Self-Rehoming


Approximately a quarter of animals entering animal shelters come in under the intake type called “owner surrender.” Supported self-rehoming is a way for organizations to help people find new homes for their pets, without those pets ever needing to enter the physical shelter.  This kit will help raise awareness with pet owners about what self-rehoming…

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Communications Kit: Space Crisis

May 2022 small logos

When space crises strike, we need the community’s support and action to help us save lives. Whatever the inciting cause, the domino effect of space crisis situations means we need to get more pets into homes (foster or adoptive) faster, keep more pets with their families (and therefore out of the shelter), and simultaneously keep…

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Communications Kit: Foster Programs

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This communications kit is our most jam-packed yet! The focus here is on foster-centric sheltering: the concept of moving more animals to home-based care rather than institutional care. To get more pets into foster homes, marketing and fostering have to work together to keep messaging steady and consistent, and we’ve created this kit with that…

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Communications Kit: Cats and Kittens

Cats outside copy

Help keep your community informed about the humane and effective programs that support both free-roaming and owned cats, and you’ll be spreading awareness about their importance while also getting more involvement which in turn helps keep cats safe and keep families together. Explore this toolkit which contains a broad collection of customizable tools, editable graphic…

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Communications Kit: Keeping Families Together

Bipoc family with pit bull dog

In this second installment of communications kits designed to support your community-focused programming efforts, we tackle the topic of Keeping Families Together. The concept of keeping families together centers around the idea that people who love their pets should not have to be separated from them, but should instead be met with services designed to…

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Communications Kit: An Introduction to Community-Focused Animal Services

Sweet moment between person and rottie

Community-focused animal sheltering means engaging the entire community in caring for our pets and supporting families with safety net services that keep companion animals in homes. This approach is shaping the future of companion animal welfare, helping families stay together while leaving space in shelters for the pets who truly need to be there. Getting…

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