What is a Photo Worth?

Octavius aimeedavis

Some of the most memorable moments of our lives decorate our spaces in the form of photographs. They hang unassumingly amongst souvenirs, fridge magnets, and trinkets; tiny glimpses into windows of happiness. We grow so use to their presence, yet every time they catch our eye we are instantly flooded with emotion. HeARTs Speak artists…

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My Old Dog


Sometimes, not knowing what you are doing is a good thing. For me it has allowed more than one leap into unchartered territory. On May 29, 2012, I saw a face that changed my life. A face that was full of sadness, hopelessness, and despair. When I think back to that day at the Carson…

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Adopt A Shelter Dog Month


No offense to all the other months of the year, but October might be our favorite. Why, you ask? It’s not the change in season nor the crisp, colorful leaves that accompany it. It’s not the delightful act of pulling a much loved scarf out from its summer hibernation. It’s not even the Pumpkin Spice…

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Artist Grant Recipient: Diana Bunch

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HeARTs Speak member, Diana Bunch, knows how to get creative on behalf of the animals in her community. Along with her weekly on-location photo shoots, Diana also invites adoptable pets to her studio for shoots, donates prints for fundraisers, and creates image clings, t-shirts, and posters for the shelters she volunteers with. We’re delighted to announce Diana as…

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Sheltered: Art Benefit for Animals At Risk

Remus still waiting

Hearts Speak member Charlene Logan Burnett is the founder and organizer behind Sheltered, a nationally curated art exhibit, which seeks to raise awareness of the staggering number of homeless animals who will never find shelter. The show opens at Davis Arts Center, Davis, CA with a reception on Friday, October 10, 2014. The exhibit runs five weeks and…

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Sheltered: Art Benefit for Animals At Risk

Remus still waiting

Hearts Speak member Charlene Logan Burnett is the founder and organizer behind Sheltered, a nationally curated art exhibit, which seeks to raise awareness of the staggering number of homeless animals who will never find shelter. The show opens at Davis Arts Center, Davis, CA with a reception on Friday, October 10, 2014. The exhibit runs five weeks and…

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Top 10: September 2014

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HeARTs Speak artists cover a lot of ground. We’re home to over 500 members in 43 states and 13 countries, and that equates to a whole lot of professionally photographed, painted, sculpted, and illustrated adoptable pets. It’s also a highly respectable number of perfectly crafted bios, countless fundraising items, and a plethora of happy stories. As vital as social media…

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Tips for Photographing Black Animals

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There’s nothing wrong with working what your mama gave you. In fact, here at HeARTs Speak, we encourage it of our furry and feathery subjects! Alas, despite their best modeling efforts, this task presents some challenges for animals of the raven-coated persuasion. At any shelter or rescue you’ll occasionally hear murmurs that black pets sometimes seem…

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Artist Grant Recipient: Valerie Bruder

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A devoted HeARTs Speak member since October 2012, Valerie Bruder is also a tireless advocate for the homeless pets in her community. We’re delighted to introduce her as our June ‘Helping. Artists.’ grant recipient! The list of animal welfare organizations Valerie regularly helps is staggering and includes Camden County Animal Shelter, All They Need is Love Animal…

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Featured Artist: Sophie Gamand


Sophie Gamand is a fine art photographer with a dog obsession, and in 2010 she gave in to her obsession and began photographing dogs exclusively. Since then, Sophie has created some unforgettable series’, including Wet Dog, which won her a Sony World Photography Award this year. Her most recent series, Flower Power, Pit Bulls of the Revolution,…

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