Where Do Your Stories Go?

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Have you ever noticed that long after your body comes home from helping animals, your mind is still there with them, working through what you experienced that day? Or maybe you feel anxious or sad, but you can’t put your finger on why exactly. The answer, in part, is tied to the stories you’ve absorbed during…

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2018: The Year of Creative Collaboration!


As a new year begins, we’re taking stock of everything that made 2017 so fantastic, and the huge list of things we’re excited about for 2018. It includes the amazing shelters and rescues with whom we get to partner, the artists who tirelessly give of their talents to make the world a better place, kitten…

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Why I started HeARTs Speak

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A letter from our Executive Director It was the deep connection and love I felt for my own dog, Iggy, that inspired the idea for HeARTs Speak. I actually fell in love with my boy well before meeting him, through beautiful, emotive, photographs. The experience of adopting Iggy opened my eyes to how important that…

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Live, Authentic, and Imperfect The Power of the Live Stream

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I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t back out. I told EVERYONE the day and hour I was going live: my kids, my parents, my followers and colleagues, and the baristas at my favorite coffee shop. In a word: I was terrified. The day came — August 5th, 2015 — I stuttered through my intro, fumbled with…

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#AdoptLove 2018 Calendar Contest

That memory of the best hike you and your dog took together last summer. The snapshot of a shelter cat who touched your heart and soul. The happily-ever-after moment you captured on adoption day. Pets bring a powerful connection to our lives and communities, and we want to honor that bond with a special contest! With your help,…

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No Helper? No Problem! Solo Tips for Great Shelter Pet Photos

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Camera: check! Extra battery: check! Cloth to wipe dog drool off lens: check! Treats, squeaky toys, catnip: check! Helper: umm…nope. Welcome to the day-to-day reality for many of us: we want the best photo possible for our animals but we may only have ourselves to 1) movethe animals to and from their kennels, 2) potty…

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Writing Great Pet Bios: The ‘Interview’

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If photos are the cheese, then a memorable, engaging bio is most definitely the macaroni in promoting an adoptable pet! They’re a powerful duo — photos cutting through the clutter of busy newsfeeds to spark an unforgettable first impression, while a bio provides the details that motivate a potential adopter to put wheels in motion.…

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The Perfect Exposure Project Goes Westward!

KICKING OFF OUR 2017 SERIES OF PHOTOGRAPHY AND TRAINING WORKSHOPS IN THE BAY AREA   There’s something magical that happens when diverse organizations get together to problem-solve and learn. The Perfect Exposure Project (PEP) is a program that focuses on bringing together multiple organizations within a community in order to learn about maximizing resources, space,…

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Finding Shelter: A Tribute to Shelter Volunteers

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In the story of an animal finding its forever after, we usually pick up the book at the ‘Gotcha’ Day’ chapter. It opens with an ecstatic portrait and a lucky pet driving off into the sunset, and boy does it feel good! But many pages precede that one, with a sprawling cast of characters working…

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How Social Media Influencers Can Help Your Cause

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Integrate, Collaborate, Create! Do you often find yourself scrolling through your Facebook or Instagram feed when an annoying sponsored ad pops up? Are you more likely to like the post and click on the ‘buy now’ button, or do you just skip over it? In that same feed, you see a friend or your favorite…

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