Photographing Shelter Cats: Tips from a Pro


Despite the fact that there are an estimated 80 million pet cats living in homes in the U.S alone, it’s still widely understood that there is a higher percentage of cats than dogs entering our animal shelters. While there may be a variety of factors involved, it remains that lots of very deserving cats need…

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What’s New With Facebook and Instagram

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Did you wake up this morning and notice your Facebook business page looked a little different? Maybe even a bit swankier, dare we say?! Or perhaps your Instagram now has this funny little row of twirling circles at the top? It’s probably not the first time you’ve gotten the hang of a social platform and…

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Celebrating Success and Setting Aside Fear

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In July, the animal sheltering community celebrated more than 47,000 pet adoptions in just one day when nearly 700 shelters across the United States participated in Clear the Shelters Day! This lifesaving day was sponsored by NBCUniversal and allowed community members, who may not have otherwise known that adoption was an option, to engage with shelters…

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3 Tips for Choosing a Rescue Photoshoot Location

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Location, location, location. It’s not just the key to success for hopeful homeowners; it’s a worthwhile consideration when creatively marketing shelter pets, too. Kim de Araujo, a professional photographer and HeARTs Speak member, could pass for a realtor given her talent for setting a scene. She recently happened upon One Eleven East, a new and…

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Be Well, Do Good: 6 Simple Self-Care Ideas


In our excitement to do as much good as we can for animals, many of us stop taking care of our own needs. Lack of interest in our own self-care is both a symptom of and a result of compassion fatigue. But self-sacrifice isn’t sustainable. Too often, taking care of ourselves gets regulated to the…

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Are You Missing Out on These Social Media Opportunities?

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No doubt social media is a great way to help bring more attention to your adoptables, along with other activities and campaigns going on in your organization. Unfortunately, it’s also a very crowded platform, and you compete with zillions of other messages to grab potential supporters and adopters attention. While posting charismatic adoptable bios and…

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Tips for Photographing Black Animals

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There’s nothing wrong with working what your mama gave you. In fact, here at HeARTs Speak, we encourage it of our furry and feathery subjects! Alas, despite their best modeling efforts, this task presents some challenges for animals of the raven-coated persuasion. At any shelter or rescue you’ll occasionally hear murmurs that black pets sometimes seem…

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