Posts Tagged ‘Artist Grants’
2015: A Year of Artist Empowerment
Since day one of its inception 5 years ago, HeARTs Speak has been devoted to building a community of professional artists focused on supreme collaboration, compassion, and courage. By nurturing a rapidly expanding network of like-minded individuals, we’ve pushed artistic expression to the forefront of what’s considered beneficial in the fight to save shelter animals.
Read MoreArtist Grant Recipient: Diana Bunch
HeARTs Speak member, Diana Bunch, knows how to get creative on behalf of the animals in her community. Along with her weekly on-location photo shoots, Diana also invites adoptable pets to her studio for shoots, donates prints for fundraisers, and creates image clings, t-shirts, and posters for the shelters she volunteers with. We’re delighted to announce Diana as…
Read MoreArtist Grant Recipient: Valerie Bruder
A devoted HeARTs Speak member since October 2012, Valerie Bruder is also a tireless advocate for the homeless pets in her community. We’re delighted to introduce her as our June ‘Helping. Artists.’ grant recipient! The list of animal welfare organizations Valerie regularly helps is staggering and includes Camden County Animal Shelter, All They Need is Love Animal…
Read MoreArtist Grant Recipient: Sheryl Mann
For the past 4 years, HeARTs speak member Sheryl Mann, owner of Flying Dogs Photography, has volunteered her services to Brother Wolf Animal Rescue in Asheville, NC. During those 4 years, Sheryl has not only photographed countless adoptable animals, but in 2014 created a stunning fine art calendar which raised a whopping $40,000 for Brother Wolf. Sheryl’s ‘Helping. Artists.’…
Read MoreArtist Grant Recipient: John Bouma
Thanks to the generous support of people and organizations that share our passion for animals, HeARTs Speak is able to provide member artists with the resources and tools they need to prioritize their work in the animal welfare community. John Bouma is our fourth featured recipient of the HeARTs Speak ‘Helping. Artists.’ grant.
Read MoreArtist Grant Recipient: Kaye Ness
Thanks to the generous support of people and organizations that share our passion for animals, HeARTs Speak is able to provide member artists with the resources and tools they need to prioritize their work in the animal welfare community. Kaye Ness is our third featured recipient of the HeARTs Speak ‘Helping. Artists.’ grant.
Read MoreArtist Grant Recipient: Theresa Swain
Thanks to the generous support of people and organizations that share our passion for animals, HeARTs Speak is able to provide member artists with the resources and tools they need to prioritize their work in the animal welfare community. Theresa Swain is our second featured recipient of the HeARTs Speak artist grant.
Read MoreArtist Grant Recipient: Sherry Stinson
Since it’s inception, HeARTs Speak has rested confidently atop a foundation of supreme collaboration, compassion, and courage. By nurturing and developing a growing community of like-minded individuals we’ve pushed artistic expression to the forefront of what’s considered beneficial in the fight to help shelter animals.
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