Community-Focused Communications Strategy

December 6

Keeping more families and pets together requires a strategic approach to getting the word out about your organization’s community-focused philosophy and programs. Throughout the past year,  together with Human Animal Support Services, we have created a series of communications kits to help you talk to your constituents about the many ways that you are supporting…

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Communications Kit: Community Partnerships

November (2)

When animal services agencies connect with other organizations, businesses, and agencies, both benefit to better support people and pets where they live. Community partnerships come in all shapes and sizes, and truly the sky is the limit! But like any good partnership, success will come from clear communication and a collaborative spirit. This three-part kit…

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Communications Kit: Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Sept copy

A key way to keep people and pets together, and pets from unnecessarily entering shelters, is through community support—neighbors helping neighbors. Good communication about this topic will help your community see the importance of community support—and will also offer concrete ways they can participate. Communities are stronger when we support each other, including each other’s…

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Communications Kit: Supported Self-Rehoming


Approximately a quarter of animals entering animal shelters come in under the intake type called “owner surrender.” Supported self-rehoming is a way for organizations to help people find new homes for their pets, without those pets ever needing to enter the physical shelter.  This kit will help raise awareness with pet owners about what self-rehoming…

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Communications Kit: Big Dogs

Big dog feature with logos

When it comes to medium and large dogs, they face some of the most unique challenges both within our sheltering systems and within the community: They are disproportionately impacted by restrictive adoption policies, housing policies, and even laws. When times are tough for families, big dogs are some of the first to be impacted. Ultimately,…

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