Communicating About Space Crises

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“SOS! We are in a state of emergency! We are DROWNING in dogs and cats and are in desperate need of help. Our shelter is FULL and we are begging and pleading for people who want to help us save lives! We simply don’t have room for all of the animals entering our shelter on…

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7 Genius Promo Ideas to Highlight Long Stay Pets

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Last month, in a presentation for the 2021 Best Friends National Conference, KC Pet Project’s Chief Communications Officer, Tori Fugate, and I were honored to present a fast-paced 25-minute workshop on Marketing Long-Stay Pets. At the end of the presentation, we shared a lookbook filled with successful campaigns and ideas for shining a light on…

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Instagram Hacks: Creating Reels in Minutes

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Reels are hot on Instagram right now and can help you organically reach more of your followers while also gaining exposure to a wider audience (and add new followers!). But the number one thing we hear from our friends in shelters and rescues is that it’s hard to find the time to create new reels…

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Marketing Magic for Long-Stay Pets

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Let’s face it: If we all had kennels full of fuzzy munchkins with perfect manners and zero health problems, we probably wouldn’t need to talk about long-stay pets. But for most organizations, there are always a handful of pets with behavioral, medical or public perception challenges that make finding adoptable homes more difficult. With a…

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Going Live! to Spotlight Long-Stay Pets

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When Guilford County Animal Services found itself with a number of dogs who needed some extra marketing attention, they turned to live streaming on social media to put them in the spotlight and pique the community’s interest in virtual pet adoptions. Heidi Mitchell, Virtual Adoption Counselor at Guilford County, shared that they tried two different…

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6 Tips to Make Your Pet Photos Look More Professional

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Much like humans, animals won’t easily pose for the camera. Still, you can take professional pictures using the right equipment, experimenting with lighting and composition, and being patient with the subject. These tips can make you get the most of your animal photography session.   Edit Your Photos Whether you’re using a DLSR camera, point…

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Getting Shelter Pets Noticed with Better Bios

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If photos and video open the door, then the descriptions and bios that we write for pets are what tend to seal the deal. Pet bios take many forms – most often as social media captions/descriptions or writeups on Petfinder or Adopt-a-Pet type sites. No matter where these will be seen, they become an important…

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