Posts Tagged ‘General Musings’
Top 10: September 2014
HeARTs Speak artists cover a lot of ground. We’re home to over 500 members in 43 states and 13 countries, and that equates to a whole lot of professionally photographed, painted, sculpted, and illustrated adoptable pets. It’s also a highly respectable number of perfectly crafted bios, countless fundraising items, and a plethora of happy stories. As vital as social media…
Read More5 Tips for Writing an Effective Pet Bio
A quality photograph is worth its weight in gold for an adoptable animal, but an effectively written bio to accompany it is the juicy cherry on top. There’s no denying that words are a powerful vehicle for generating emotional connections; just think of your favorite piece of poetry or famous quote. A few thoughtfully selected…
Read MoreDon’t Lose Hope
HeARTs Speak artists are an exceptional breed. Our tough, seemingly impenetrable exteriors are complimented by soft and unapologetically patient centers. We’re loud and proud about our love and respect for all living things. We celebrate even the tiniest victories, and we hurt deeply when things don’t end happily. We’re altogether smart, focused, forces to be reckoned with, and the nicest people you’ll…
Read MoreA Day In The Life: Cynthia Barker
HeARTs Speak member, Cynthia Barker, has an undeniable flair for photographing felines. But rest assured, her talents don’t stop there. In fact, she’s a tireless, portrait-producing force for all of the animals that call her local rescue group, Friendswood Animal Advocates, ‘home’.
Read MoreAdopt A Shelter-Cat Month
The fabulous days of summer are here, full of fun and outdoor activities, but did you know that June is Adopt A Shelter-Cat month? In some shelters, far less cats than dogs find their happily-ever-after, while some might not even be promoted to the public at all. Here at HeARTs Speak, we are lovers of…
Read MoreDeviant Art: Dispelling Myths
HeARTs Speak member Sarah Thornton of Lintu Art is the curator for the benefit art show, Deviant Art: Dispelling Myths. The show, now in its fifth year, raises funds for A Rotta Love Plus, a Twin Cities pit bull and Rottweiler rehoming, advocacy, and education organization. This year’s event at the Northrup King Building in…
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