In Memory of Michie


Michie – you hobbled into my life and stole my heart. You left this world way too soon after a fierce battle with Valley Fever and my heart broke into a million pieces.  I will never get over losing you. I miss you so much. – Jill Flynn

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In Memory of Portia

Great dane on wooden deck

Portia came to us with her sister as foster puppies. After about a day, we realized they were both very, very sick. They ended up having Parvovirus and because the rescue they were with didn’t have the funds to save them, they wanted to put them down. The rescuer that pulled them from the shelter…

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In honor of Paddy

Grey and tan pit bull dog with white chest looks up with mouth open and tongue wagging, photo taken from above

He was my very best friend, my reason for the work I do, and my greatest joy in life: A goofball with great comedic timing; a sweetheart who changed a lot of minds and opened many hearts; the most patient and playful big brother to our younger dog, Sally; and truly the softest and snuggliest…

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In Memory of Neko

long haired brown tabby cat, close up on her face

Neko came from a rescue run out of a women’s clothing store in Kent, CT where cats serenaded you as you shopped. Tiny, but tough, Neko chose us and we happily obliged. Neko was an adult cat when we adopted her, and she lived with both my parents, and then ultimately my family, (because my…

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In Memory of Gabby

Brindle pit bull dog wiht cat on her head lays on a puffy orange bed and smiles into camera

Gabby was my creative muse! She was always up for fun days of shooting. She was the absolute best. Gabby loved all creatures big and small. Every foster I brought home was loved by her. She even helped an ancient blind feral cat eat again. She was amazing on every level. – Lori Fusaro

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In Memory of Lukas

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Lukas was the most unique cat I’ve ever met, there’s a reason we used to say he arrived in a flying, motorized teacup (cue jetson’s flying car sound effects here)… He “raised” my dog Iggy to love, respect, and bow down, to ALL cats. It was as if he helped to raise all 3 of…

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In Memory of Gulliver

Grey and white pit bulls dog leans over his puzzle toy and looks into the camera

He was kind to everyone, respectful, a comedian, sooo smart, and just the cutest most lovable, huggable sea lion we ever did meet. We loved, and will forever love him so much, and I know he felt the same for us. Gull Gull, you are such a good, good, dog. At least you are finally…

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In Honor of Bubba

tan pit bull type dog looks into camera with beautiful fall leaves behind him

Bubba was adopted in 2019 after he was found as a stray out in the middle of nowhere. He great and a massive goofball, who helps us raise our foster puppies! – Becca Gobeille

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In Memory of Dexter

black french bulldog with tongue out and orange ball between his paws

Dexter was adopted through French Bulldog Village (FBV) around the age of one year, three months. Due to his severe acid reflux, he had been in four different homes before being surrendered to FBV. It took him one long car ride and one full day in his new home to figure out that we were…

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