A Shelter Dog Story From Start to Happy End

Indy Linkpreview

And for a shelter pet, that story can be the link to a lifetime of love and happiness.   Well, this is Indy before he had a photo that helped him tell his true story.   Indy arrived at Fort Worth Animal Care and Control as a stray and quickly captured the hearts of the staff and volunteers caring for him. With…

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Old n’ Bold: 6 Senior Pets Who Get Friendship

Gummy Bear

Fine wine, fancy cheese, and your favorite jeans are all things that only get better with time, but they’re no match for companion animals when it comes to the art of aging. November is Adopt A Senior Pet Month, a 30-day-long celebration befitting the old souls waiting in shelters for a retirement home of their very own. Here…

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What is a Photo Worth?

Octavius Aimeedavis

Some of the most memorable moments of our lives decorate our spaces in the form of photographs. They hang unassumingly amongst souvenirs, fridge magnets, and trinkets; tiny glimpses into windows of happiness. We grow so use to their presence, yet every time they catch our eye we are instantly flooded with emotion. HeARTs Speak artists…

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Success Story: Mali and Olivia


Few things fuel the soul like a happy ending. For those who are close to the day-to-day workings of animal rescue this is especially true. HeARTs Speak artists provide life-changing services to their communities, but sadly those photo shoots, portraits, illustrations, and written words aren’t always punctuated by a family walking off into the sunset with their newest addition.

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