Posts Tagged ‘stock images’ helps animal welfare organizations deepen community connections, #ThanksToMaddie
HeARTs Speak and Maddie’s Fund® are excited to announce the launch of, a free stock image library created for animal well-being (welfare) organizations aimed at increasing inclusivity and providing a welcoming environment for all community members. The project’s launch earlier this month was made possible by a two-year $84,700 grant to HeARTs Speak from Maddie’s Fund,…
Read MoreInclusive Stock Photos: People and Pets Together
In 2023, we launched a site called, #ThankstoMaddie, in response to the gap in accurate and inclusive stock images for the animal wellbeing field. The goal of this photo library is to increase inclusivity and provide a welcoming environment for all community members. This library of photos is free to use for nonprofit and government-run…
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