Coffee and Cats: Bringing Adoption to the People

Thecatcafe Boogie Rayagreenbaum

At the Cat Cafe in San Diego, the curious and content residents of the business can purr their way right into new homes! Cats from the San Diego Humane Society are fostered by the cafe and are able to be adopted directly from that location, all between sips of latte or cappuccino.

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One Year of Perfect Exposure

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At the center of the HeARTs Speak mission lies a simple philosophy: that collaboration is the most effective strategy for improving the lives of companion animals. Our organization unites hundreds of professional artists worldwide who live and work by this philosophy, and in the U.S. alone our members assist over one third of animal welfare groups. As a vehicle for…

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Ridge Dogs: Sharing A Path to Betterment

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Throughout years of history, dogs have established themselves as (and evolved to become) star examples of good character and first-class companionship. Rolled into each of their respective resumes is one particularly standout quality: the ability to love unconditionally. Utterly free of judgment and supremely accepting, a dog can serve as a bridge between human worlds, cultivating unlikely connections…

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Featured Rescue: Hooves and Paws Animal Rescue

Hooves & Paws Animal Rescue

Betty White and Shakira would like to invite you down to the ranch for a little meet n’ greet. Both are available for adoption at Hooves and Paws Animal Rescue in beautiful Littlerock, CA. By the way, Betty is a white, fluffy chicken and Shakira, well, she’s a sassy, mane-tossing mare.

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Featured Rescue: Good Mews


Jean Cocteau once said that cats become the visible soul of a home. HeARTs Speak member and photographer, Hannah Michalski, discovered upon her recent visit to Good Mews Animal Foundation that this theory holds true even if the ‘home’ is a temporary one. Hannah is a self-confessed lover of all creatures great and small, but her fascination…

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Featured Rescue: Lilly Pond Foal Rescue

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HeARTs Speak member and photographer Kathy R. Sherbert of KRS Images is the artist behind the camera lens at Lilly Pond Foal Rescue (LPFR). Located in Maryland, LPFR operates from several privately owned barns in beautiful Calvert County. They provide a safe haven for foals who are byproducts of the nurse mare milk industry, which…

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