Marketing Magic for Long-Stay Pets

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Let’s face it: If we all had kennels full of fuzzy munchkins with perfect manners and zero health problems, we probably wouldn’t need to talk about long-stay pets. But for most organizations, there are always a handful of pets with behavioral, medical or public perception challenges that make finding adoptable homes more difficult. With a…

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6 Tips to Make Your Pet Photos Look More Professional

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Much like humans, animals won’t easily pose for the camera. Still, you can take professional pictures using the right equipment, experimenting with lighting and composition, and being patient with the subject. These tips can make you get the most of your animal photography session.   Edit Your Photos Whether you’re using a DLSR camera, point…

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Easy Tips for Great Shelter Pet Photos

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Photos are a vital part of not only finding homes faster for homeless pets but transforming the way communities perceive shelters and pet adoption. A great photo helps a pet make an emotional connection in an instant— and that can be the key to motivating someone to visit the shelter to save a life. Here…

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