Artist Grant Recipient: Theresa Swain

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Thanks to the generous support of people and organizations that share our passion for animals, HeARTs Speak is able to provide member artists with the resources and tools they need to prioritize their work in the animal welfare community. Theresa Swain is our second featured recipient of the HeARTs Speak artist grant.

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Welcome, Sarah!

Sarah tomolonius

In February of this year, HeARTs Speak welcomed with open arms, our new President, Sarah Tomolonius. Sarah is dedicated and passionate, and we’re overjoyed to be offering her the seat at our steering wheel. She has been a supporter of HeARTs Speak since it was a seed of an idea, and her steadfast commitment to the ultimate success…

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Artist Grant Recipient: Sherry Stinson

Since it’s inception, HeARTs Speak has rested confidently atop a foundation of supreme collaboration, compassion, and courage. By nurturing and developing a growing community of like-minded individuals we’ve pushed artistic expression to the forefront of what’s considered beneficial in the fight to help shelter animals.

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