Your Social is On Fire! (Here’s How Not to Burn Out)

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Go you! You’ve been absolutely killing it on social media! Your posting schedule is robust, no comment goes unresponded to, and your engagement is through the roof. But, rather than riding high on your success, you’re feeling erratic. After months of highly-engaged posts, you’ve found yourself getting sloppy and uninspired. Each new push notification makes…

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Tips for a Stress-Free Photo Session

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I really don’t like getting my photo taken. Professional headshots, family photos, and even selfies with friends — it’s not always a natural-feeling experience to be the focus of attention. The pressure of the photographer staring at me, trying to figure out what pose doesn’t make me look 5lbs heavier, holding a smile for what…

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5 Shelter Photography Tips I Discovered Accidentally


When I first started running the volunteer photography team at the Humane Society of Broward County, I felt a sense of duty to capture the most beautiful images possible. Images that would truly help animals get adopted. Now, after two years of taking and editing animal intake photos every work day, I have stumbled upon…

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8 Tricks for Rocking Instagram


Growing a healthy, engaged Instagram following can feel like a slow process, but the good news is that just a little time and consistency can achieve a lot on this particular platform. As with any social network, some trial and error might be necessary to really learn what’s working, what content your fans respond to, and what post…

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