Merging Art and Education to Save Lives

The wonderful thing about art is that it is limitless. There are no boundaries, no ‘don’t do that’s, and if you’re brave enough and bold enough, even the sky is no ceiling.

HeARTs Speak member artists employ myriad mediums to assist in the positive and powerful promotion of adoptable pets, endangered animals, and any creature big or small who might require a little human creativity and innovation to thrive.

The HeARTs Speak Perfect Exposure Project is an innovative approach to empowering animal shelters and rescue groups. By donating professional camera equipment, studio lighting, and multi-day workshops that provide knowledge on using these tools, we’re giving shelter staff and volunteers the means to more effectively promote the animals in their care.

Art opens a meaningful door that welcomes emotional connections in with wide arms. Even a simple poem could inspire that unmistakable tightness in your chest. That elusive sensation that compels you to act…

In honor of our second and third Perfect Exposure Project’s of 2015 kicking off this weekend at Humane Society of Yuma and Palm Springs Animal Shelter, we present this wonderful piece of word wizardry for your enjoyment and inspiration.

HeARTs Speak Poem PEP


Our members currently serve shelters and rescue groups in 13 countries and 45 states, and even though we’re growing every day, it’s still only a small dent in the global demand for creative pet marketing. So, why not share our knowledge with those who can use it to literally save lives?

And while you’re cruising through this week on the inspiration train, visit our buddies at Petco Foundation, Petfinder, and Animal Farm Foundation. They’re kind and forward-thinking folks who help to make HeARTs Speak programs like the Perfect Exposure Project a reality!


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HeARTs Speak

HeARTs Speak

HeARTs Speak's goal is to increase the visibility of shelter pets by uniting creativity and advocacy. Through programs based in partnership, training, resource-sharing, and innovation they are proud to be the only organization of their kind uniquely focused on the portrayal and marketing of animal services and pet adoption. A tiny but mighty organization with over a decade of work under their belt, they're passionate about ensuring that no animals go unseen, and that creative marketing for shelters and rescues is fast, easy, and fun.